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Week Four -

I AM The Bread of Life

Session 4 Outline


Read John 6 and Exodus 16


Discussion Questions


1.        In verses 1-15 we see the feeding of the 5,000.  5,000 is a lot of people.  Why were all of these people following Jesus?


2.       Why did the people want to take him by force? How is this linked to Exodus 16?


3.       In verses 25-26 what does Jesus call the people in this crowd out for?


4.       Jesus exposes their ultimate need in this passage.  What is it?


5.       In verses 28-34 Jesus exposes the people’s motivation.  How was their motivation off?


6.       What did Jesus mean when He said “I am the bread of life”


7.       Based upon his answer in v. 68 what did Peter understand that the crowd did not?


8.       How does this passage of Scripture have practical application today?

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