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Week Seventeen:

Daniel 3 - Trusting in God's Sovereignty 

Session 17 Outline


Daniel 3  


Discussion Questions:


1.       Why a gold statue?  What does this statue reveal to us about human nature?


2.       How did the statue promote persecution?  What was the penalty?


3.       What was Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s response in v.17?


4.       What does their response reveal about their faith and understanding of God?


5.       What must we ultimately remember in difficult times?


6.       What was Nebuchadnezzar’s response in v.19?  Similarly, how might the world often respond to Christians who stand firm in their faith?


7.       In light of v.22-23, is it possible that we often misinterpret persecution or difficulty?  How?


8.       What are two key points that v.24-28 show us will happen if we stand firm in our faith and trust in the sovereignty of God in times of difficulty?

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