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Week Twelve -

Service and Multiplication 

Session 12 Outline


Read Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 10:1-15, John 15:12-17, Matthew 2:14-30


Discussion Questions


1.        To this point in Matthew the reader has seen:

a.       Cleanse a leper

b.      Heal many

c.       Heals two men with demons

d.      Heals a paralytic

e.      Restores a girl to life

f.        Heals a woman

g.       Heals two blind men

h.      Heals a mute

v.35-38 tell us what about the humanity of Jesus?


2. As a result of this, what do we see in Matthew 10:1-15?  What does Jesus do?


3. Where is this passage in the timeline of Jesus’ ministry? What do we know about the experience of the disciples at this point?


4. What are the disciples commanded to do? (Matthew 10:8-9)


5. What is meant by “you received without paying, now give without pay”?


6. What does John 15:12-17 command us to do? Are we any different than the disciples?


7. What is your experience level?  Is it higher than the disciples?


8. How does the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 serve as a warning to us?

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