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Is Prayer Necessary?

In Luke chapter 11 the disciples of Jesus ask Him, "teach us how to pray". It is an interesting question because it implies that it is an area of their life that they struggle with. Often, we find ourselves in the same boat. You may have even caught yourself asking the question, "is prayer really necessary?". In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus addresses that question indirectly. Before he goes into the Lord's Prayer (instruction on how to pray), He states three times in v.5, v.6, and v.7, "when you pray". This statement reveals that Jesus does indeed expect us to pray. It is a necessity of the Christian life. Paul emphasizes this in Col. 4.2 when he states that we should continue in prayer steadfastly. This implies that prayer is a priority in our life. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you question the necessity of prayer, remember that if Jesus Himself prayed, why shouldn't we?

How do your hitters get better? They hit! How do their defensive skills get better? They practice. The same holds true for your prayer life. It will only improve with practice and time. I want to challenge you to keep at it and most importantly don't forget to lift up your players in prayer!

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